Aside from the Costmetics Database (about which I wax eternal in my post about sunscreen safety), my latest obsession on the Web is the new site sk*rt, which is a “girlfriend” site of sorts, gathering together links that have women talking.
Here’s how it works: Users submit links to interesting things on the Web like news, blogs and videos. And then sk*rt readers “vote” on those links, bubbling the most popular ones to the top. (If you’ve ever used Digg, it’s the same sort thing, but skewed to women.) One of my favorite bloggers, Design Mom, is a founder. It’s quite addictive! If you want to be a doll (and I know you do!), go to sk*rt and vote for my blog entries“Newborn Survival Tips” (here) or “What's in Your Child's Sunscreen” (here). Thanks!
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